If you own your own business or are self-employed, you know that getting a mortgage can be difficult. Regardless of what you reported for income if tax write-offs make your business profitability low, 12 Bank Statement home loans will be your golden opportunity.
Clear Lending offers the 12 Bank Statement Loan Program for borrowers whose taxes do not necessarily reflect their actual purchasing power and thus their ability to repay the purchase of a house that might be right for you.
The Bank Statement Home Loan in Houston, Texas, whether borrower presents personal or business bank statements, is the perfect program for those self-employed borrowers whose taxes may include an elevated amount of deductions, but their company has recently become more profitable. For those cases where borrowers don't want to wait to file following years' taxes and wish to take advantage of qualifying right away, this program is the solution.
While this program is a portfolio loan program and thus doesn't have uniform underwriting guidelines for all applicants, the size and consistency of deposits from month to month are essential when evaluating qualifying options.
The basic requirements to apply for the Bank Statement Home Loans are:
Loan Program Highlights:
Benefits of 12 Bank Statement Loan Program:
Don't wait any longer and find out how much loan you can get Pre-Approved.
Whether you are considering purchasing or refinancing with a bank statement home loans in Houston or Fairfax County, Clear Lending can help you. Simply complete our secure and encrypted Pre-Approval Form online, and we will contact you right away to review the best options for you.
Not all applicants will qualify. This advertisement is not an offer for an extension of credit. Please meet with a licensed loan originator for more information as programs are available only to qualified borrowers. Programs rates, fees, terms, and programs are subject to change without notice. Not all loans, loan sizes, or products may apply. Loans are subject to borrower qualifications, including income, property evaluation, sufficient equity in the home to meet loan-to-value requirements, and final credit approval. Approvals are subject to underwriting guidelines and program guidelines and are subject to change without notice. Some restrictions may apply.
I just want to take some time and thank Edgar, Joan, & Elena for helping my husband and I get our first home! They are by far the greatest team! Thanks to them our home loan went fast and easy. Once again thank you!!!
Joan Gallardo and his team have been great help in the home buying process. They go above and beyond to ensure all questions are answered and all due dates are met. I would highly recommend clear lending to any future home buyer.
Joan, you are the man with miracle hands! I have really been enjoying my new home. It was a long time coming and it happened right on time. Thanks to you, this whole process was phenomenal. The closing went smooth with no problems. I appreciate the professionalism, the hard work, and the late hours. I would highly recommend your services. Again, thank for everything!